Arlen Holder
2020-09-01 05:04:43 UTC
Tutorial on how to create a free cclip (clear clipboard) command on Windows
(As always, please improve so that everyone benefits from your input.)
Given that, at least on mobile devices, free software that should NOT be
reading your clipboard _is_ reading your clipboard, it behooves us to
consider automatic and/or manual deletion of the clipboard contents.
o Copy, paste catastrophe: how Apple's iOS 14 disrupted clipboard espionage
For clipboard contents manual deletion:
o Win+R > cmd > echo off | clip
For clipboard contents auto deletion freeware:
o <>
*Here's a method I just implemented & documented for others to benefit*.
1. Create a shortcut named cclip.lnk (i.e., clean clipboard):
Use any hierarchy you like; I put mine in my system "Run" directory:
TARGET = %comspec% /c "echo off | clip"
START IN: C:\Windows\system32
2. If desired, create a "cclip" command using the AppPaths key:
<HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\>
New Key === cclip.exe
Default === C:\data\sys\run\cclip.lnk
Note: The key name can be anything you want it to be
(as long as it ends with ".exe")
Note: There could be, but on my system, there is no file
actually named 'cclip.exe' (as it's just a keyword).
Now you can easily execute the command using the Run window:
o Win+R > cclip
3. If desired, set the link icon to something easily distuinguished.
Use any hierarchy you like; I put mine in my system "Icon" directory:
For example, I created this icon in a minute using Irfanview:
<Loading Image...
Note: You can obtain free icons from a billion locations on the net:
4. If desired, pin that icon to the taskbar for quick access.
5. If desired, you can combine multiple commands as needed, e.g.,
TARGET = %comspec% /k [1st command] & [2nd command] & [3rd command]...
For example (based on "killall.bat" examples found in alt.msdos.batch):
SHORTCUT = killall.lnk
TARGET = %comspec% /c "echo off | clip" & veracrypt /dismount /force /q & taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %COMPUTERNAME%\%USERNAME%" /IM *
See also:
o What syntax combines 2 commands into a single shortcut TARGET line?
See also this (untested by me) ctask.bat found in alt.msdos.batch when
I searched for pre-existing solutions before writing this tutorial:
o <>
===< cut below for ctask.bat >===
@echo off
REM alt.msdos.batch Todd Message-ID:
title Kill all running apps - Bharat Balegere -
cd c:\windows\System32
for /f "skip=3 tokens=1" %%i in ('TASKLIST /FI "USERNAME eq
%userdomain%\%username%" /FI "STATUS eq running"') do (
if not "%%i"=="svchost.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="explorer.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="cmd.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="tasklist.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="VBoxTray.exe" (
taskkill /f /im "%%i"
cd \ntutil
rem pause
===< cut above for ctask.bat >===
As always, please improve this nascent tutorial with purposefully helpful
suggestions so that everyone benefits from every action you take on Usenet.
(As always, please improve so that everyone benefits from your input.)
Given that, at least on mobile devices, free software that should NOT be
reading your clipboard _is_ reading your clipboard, it behooves us to
consider automatic and/or manual deletion of the clipboard contents.
o Copy, paste catastrophe: how Apple's iOS 14 disrupted clipboard espionage
For clipboard contents manual deletion:
o Win+R > cmd > echo off | clip
For clipboard contents auto deletion freeware:
o <>
*Here's a method I just implemented & documented for others to benefit*.
1. Create a shortcut named cclip.lnk (i.e., clean clipboard):
Use any hierarchy you like; I put mine in my system "Run" directory:
TARGET = %comspec% /c "echo off | clip"
START IN: C:\Windows\system32
2. If desired, create a "cclip" command using the AppPaths key:
<HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\>
New Key === cclip.exe
Default === C:\data\sys\run\cclip.lnk
Note: The key name can be anything you want it to be
(as long as it ends with ".exe")
Note: There could be, but on my system, there is no file
actually named 'cclip.exe' (as it's just a keyword).
Now you can easily execute the command using the Run window:
o Win+R > cclip
3. If desired, set the link icon to something easily distuinguished.
Use any hierarchy you like; I put mine in my system "Icon" directory:
For example, I created this icon in a minute using Irfanview:
<Loading Image...
Note: You can obtain free icons from a billion locations on the net:
4. If desired, pin that icon to the taskbar for quick access.
5. If desired, you can combine multiple commands as needed, e.g.,
TARGET = %comspec% /k [1st command] & [2nd command] & [3rd command]...
For example (based on "killall.bat" examples found in alt.msdos.batch):
SHORTCUT = killall.lnk
TARGET = %comspec% /c "echo off | clip" & veracrypt /dismount /force /q & taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %COMPUTERNAME%\%USERNAME%" /IM *
See also:
o What syntax combines 2 commands into a single shortcut TARGET line?
See also this (untested by me) ctask.bat found in alt.msdos.batch when
I searched for pre-existing solutions before writing this tutorial:
o <>
===< cut below for ctask.bat >===
@echo off
REM alt.msdos.batch Todd Message-ID:
title Kill all running apps - Bharat Balegere -
cd c:\windows\System32
for /f "skip=3 tokens=1" %%i in ('TASKLIST /FI "USERNAME eq
%userdomain%\%username%" /FI "STATUS eq running"') do (
if not "%%i"=="svchost.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="explorer.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="cmd.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="tasklist.exe" (
if not "%%i"=="VBoxTray.exe" (
taskkill /f /im "%%i"
cd \ntutil
rem pause
===< cut above for ctask.bat >===
As always, please improve this nascent tutorial with purposefully helpful
suggestions so that everyone benefits from every action you take on Usenet.
Usenet is a web searchable archive of useful tutorials & solutions.
Usenet is a web searchable archive of useful tutorials & solutions.