Win+R batch command to create a system restore point any time I want to create one
(too old to reply)
Arlen Holder
2020-09-07 21:28:14 UTC
Due to BSOD issues often cannibalizing the Windows 10 boot, I am creating
frequent restore points but I would like to script the restore point
creation with a batch command from the Win+R "Run" command box.

What am I doing wrong?

1. I can manually create a restore point any time I want to:
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][Create]
(This takes a minute to run to completion.)

2. When I look, that restore point is always created.
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][System Restore]
(_)Recommended restore
(o)Choose a different restore point
[Next] [x]Show more restore points
(I see all the many restore points that I manually created.)

3. But I want to script it, where I created this shortcut:
TARGET: %comspec% /k "wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Shortcut Restore Point", 100, 7"
ICONFROM: C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll
[Advanced][x]Run as administrator

4. When executed the command "appears" to work (albeit too quickly so):
Executing (SystemRestore)->CreateRestorePoint()
Method execution successful.
Out Parameters:
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;

(This takes only a split second to run to completion.)

4. But, when I look if the restore point was created, it doesn't exist:
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][System Restore]
(_)Recommended restore
(o)Choose a different restore point
[Next] [x]Show more restore points
(I only see the restore points that I manually created.)

What am I doing wrong?

Do you have a batch script to create a restore point on the fly?
Windows requires hundreds of tweaks to get it running efficiently.
SC Tom
2020-09-10 12:09:06 UTC
Post by Arlen Holder
Due to BSOD issues often cannibalizing the Windows 10 boot, I am creating
frequent restore points but I would like to script the restore point
creation with a batch command from the Win+R "Run" command box.
What am I doing wrong?
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][Create]
(This takes a minute to run to completion.)
2. When I look, that restore point is always created.
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][System Restore]
(_)Recommended restore
(o)Choose a different restore point
[Next] [x]Show more restore points
(I see all the many restore points that I manually created.)
TARGET: %comspec% /k "wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path
SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Shortcut Restore Point", 100, 7"
ICONFROM: C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll
[Advanced][x]Run as administrator
Executing (SystemRestore)->CreateRestorePoint()
Method execution successful.
instance of __PARAMETERS
ReturnValue = 0;
(This takes only a split second to run to completion.)
Win+R > sysdm.cpl > [System Protection][System Restore]
(_)Recommended restore
(o)Choose a different restore point
[Next] [x]Show more restore points
(I only see the restore points that I manually created.)
What am I doing wrong?
Do you have a batch script to create a restore point on the fly?
I used to use a program called (wait for it . . . ) Restore Point Creator.

It allows you to create one whenever you want, give it a custom name
("Installed new photo editor", whatever), and you can set up a schedule
through it's Utilities list. It's an older program, but still seems to work.
I haven't had to use it in some time, but it was there and restored when I

The one that I currently use for an every-other-day scheduled RP is from

It uses a VBS script to operate. That works well also, and you may be able
to alter the script to your purposes, although it works fine OOTB.

SC Tom
Arlen Holder
2020-09-20 18:17:32 UTC
Post by SC Tom
I used to use a program called (wait for it . . . ) Restore Point Creator.
Hi SC Tom,
Thanks for that advice, which I haven't tested yet, but I will.

In the meantime, as I was helping s|b over here today:
o Message-ID: <***@mid.individual.net>

Given the alt.comp.os.windows-10 ng isn't dejagoogled, I can only point to:
o Registry - this can't be good

Which is only half the thread (since these non dejagoogle archives suck):
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-comp-os-windows-10>
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt.comp.os.windows-10.narkive.com>

Anyway, to cross reference a slightly quicker command than the way
I've been doing it (but probably nowhere as good as your answer above),
here's a set of illustrative Win+R commands (they're very consistent)
for efficiency that I explained to s|b but which should be crosslinked
and archived more properly here.

This opens the SystemProperties form to the previous tab:
o Win+R > sysdm.cpl

But this directly opens up the SystemProperties form to the System Protection tab:
o Win+R > SystemPropertiesProtection

It's all pretty consistent:

For example:
o System Properties (Computer Name)
o System Properties (Hardware)
o System Properties (Advanced)
o System Properties (System Protection)
o Performance Options (Visual Effects)
o Performance Options (Data Execution Prevention)
o System Properties (Remote)
Usenet enables a purposefully crosslinked record of connected solution links.
SC Tom
2020-09-21 11:26:42 UTC
Post by Arlen Holder
Post by SC Tom
I used to use a program called (wait for it . . . ) Restore Point Creator.
Hi SC Tom,
Thanks for that advice, which I haven't tested yet, but I will.
o Registry - this can't be good
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-comp-os-windows-10>
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt.comp.os.windows-10.narkive.com>
Anyway, to cross reference a slightly quicker command than the way
I've been doing it (but probably nowhere as good as your answer above),
here's a set of illustrative Win+R commands (they're very consistent)
for efficiency that I explained to s|b but which should be crosslinked
and archived more properly here.
o Win+R > sysdm.cpl
o Win+R > SystemPropertiesProtection
o System Properties (Computer Name)
o System Properties (Hardware)
o System Properties (Advanced)
o System Properties (System Protection)
o Performance Options (Visual Effects)
o Performance Options (Data Execution Prevention)
o System Properties (Remote)
Usenet enables a purposefully crosslinked record of connected solution links.
Or just use Win+Pause and it brings up Control Panel>System, which gives you
access to most of that with a mouse click or two :-)
Arlen Holder
2020-09-22 13:53:58 UTC
Post by SC Tom
Or just use Win+Pause and it brings up Control Panel>System, which gives you
access to most of that with a mouse click or two :-)
Hi SC Tom,

That's a nice Win+<key> combination that I was unaware of!
o First, I hit Win+P, but that simply changed my dual-monitor setup.

Then I found the "Pause/Break" button on my keyboard!
o "Win+R > Pause" brings up "Control Panel\System and Security\System"

What's nice about that is it's easier to remember than:
o Win+R > control system

BTW, I still haven't yet tested your initial helpful suggestion...
o But I will and when I do, I will report back.

Thanks for always being purposefully helpful on Usenet.

In addition, a search shows all the possible winkey combinations:
o Ultimate list of all Windows keyboard shortcuts with Win keys
o Win+A: Opens Action Center in Windows 10.
o Win+B: Moves the focus to the notification area (System tray)
o Win+C: Shows Charms, and the date & time
o Win+D: Flipflopts betwen the Desktop and all your open windows.
o Win+E: Opens the Windows File Explorer
o Win+F: Opens file search.
o Win+Ctrl+F: Opens the Find Computers dialog
o Win+G: Brings gadgets to the top of other windows.
o Win+H: Opens the Share charm on Windows 8
o Win+I: Opens the Settings charm on Windows 8
o Win+J: Does nothing
o Win+K: Opens the Devices charm
o Win+L: Locks the PC or lets you switch users
o Win+M: Minimizes all windows. Win+Shift+M does undo minimize all
o Win+N: In Microsoft OneNote, it opens a new Note.
o Win+O: Locks or unlocks the orientation of the device
o Win+P: Opens the UI to project to another display or projector
o Win+Q: Opens the app specific search in Windows 8.
o Win+R: Opens the Run dialog
o Win+S: Opens the search with "Everywhere" selected
o Win+T: Flipflops between focus on taskbar icons & focus on the next icon.
o Win+U: Opens Ease of Access Center
o Win+V: Focuses on & cycles through Metro style toast notifications
o Win+W: Opens the search pane with Settings selected
o Win+X: Opens the Power Users menu
o Win+Y: Does nothing
o Win+Z: Shows the App Bar in a Modern app
o Win+1/2/3....0: Opens or switches to the numbered Taskbar button
o Win+'+': Opens Magnifier and zooms in
o Win+'-': Zooms out in Magnifier
o Win+Esc: Exits Magnifier if it's running
o Win+F1: Opens Help and Support
o Win+Pause/Break: Opens System Properties
o Win+Print screen: Takes a screenshot & saves it to the Screenshots folder
o Win+Home: Minimizes all windows except the foreground window
o Win+Left arrow key: Snaps a desktop app's window to the left
o Win+Right arrow key: Snaps a desktop app's window to the right
o Win+Up arrow key: Maximizes a window
o Win+Down arrow key: Minimizes a window
o Win+Page Down: Moves a Modern app's window to the next display
o Win+Page Up: moves a Modern app's window to the previous display
o Win+Enter: Starts Narrator
o Win+Alt+Enter: Starts Media Center
o Win+Space: Switches the input language
o Win+Comma (,): Aero Peek
o Win+Period (.): Shows you which is the active window
o Win+Tab: Switch between Modern apps, the Start screen and the Desktop
o Ctrl+Win+Tab: Shows the Switcher UI in sticky mode
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