Post by TPost by Kerr-Mudd,JohnPost by TIs there a way from the command line to eject a flash drive?
RemoveDrive V3.1.0 (Win32) - prepares drives for safe removal
Freeware by Uwe Sieber -
Thank you!
It would be fantastic to have a Win+R command to unmount USB drives!
And just having once corrupted data, and dealing with recovery of a zillion
files, all flat, no longer in a hierarchy, and all missing their first
letter, etc., you'll NEVER want to go through that ordeal again.
IMHO, it's a PITA the way Windows' GUI umounts USB-mounted drives.
o I'd prefer a command similar to how Veracrypt umounts USB drives.
For example, I have a shortcut on Windows, called "unmount.lnk"
o TARGET === VeraCrypt.exe /dismount /force /q /silent
Where I put the path to that Windows shortcut in the AppPaths key:
o HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\
o unmount.exe === c:\path\unmount.lnk
Then, to unmount the Veracrypt drives, I simply use the Win+R command:
o Win+R > unmount
Same for mounting, where Veracrypt happens to have a favorite option:
o Win+R > mountall
o mountall === VeraCrypt.exe /a favorites /q
It would be fantastic to have the same kind of commands for USB drives!
o Win+R > unmountusb
o Win+R > mountusb
Windows batch commands add Win+R fingertip power of huge efficiencies!