Robin Goodfellow
2021-09-05 15:39:09 UTC
How can we colorize any given running-task icon in the taskbar?
I open command windows with the "Run" command (not from a shortcut!).
I don't make shortcuts for something that is only three letters. :)
Some of those are admin windows, but most are user windows.
Each shows up as a "running task" in the taskbar.
But they all look the same in the running tasks icons in the taskbar.
Currently I open a red admin command window using the cmda.bat script
(which is appended to the sig below, and which works beautifully).
But the icon for that red admin command window is indistinguishable from any
other icon in the taskbar for running programs.
How can I change the color of the cmda.bat running icon in the taskbar?
REM This is a standalone cmda.bat program
REM It opens a very visible RED command window
REM Open a new shell "Run As Administrator" (cmda.bat)
REM Type "cmda" in a Run window (instead of "cmd")
REM Based on script by foxidrive on alt.msdos.batch
IF NOT "%~1"=="" goto :START
SET LogFile=%TEMP%\cmda.vbs"
Echo Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application") >"%LogFile%"
Echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~f0", "%cd%", "", "runas", 1 >>"%LogFile%"
Start "" /MIN "%LogFile%"
goto :EOF
Cmd /k "CD /D "%*" & Echo Administrator: & color 4F"
I open command windows with the "Run" command (not from a shortcut!).
I don't make shortcuts for something that is only three letters. :)
Some of those are admin windows, but most are user windows.
Each shows up as a "running task" in the taskbar.
But they all look the same in the running tasks icons in the taskbar.
Currently I open a red admin command window using the cmda.bat script
(which is appended to the sig below, and which works beautifully).
But the icon for that red admin command window is indistinguishable from any
other icon in the taskbar for running programs.
How can I change the color of the cmda.bat running icon in the taskbar?
REM This is a standalone cmda.bat program
REM It opens a very visible RED command window
REM Open a new shell "Run As Administrator" (cmda.bat)
REM Type "cmda" in a Run window (instead of "cmd")
REM Based on script by foxidrive on alt.msdos.batch
IF NOT "%~1"=="" goto :START
SET LogFile=%TEMP%\cmda.vbs"
Echo Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application") >"%LogFile%"
Echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~f0", "%cd%", "", "runas", 1 >>"%LogFile%"
Start "" /MIN "%LogFile%"
goto :EOF
Cmd /k "CD /D "%*" & Echo Administrator: & color 4F"