2023-09-17 14:55:47 UTC
A lot of time lately I'm waiting around in doctor waiting rooms.
Everyone else, 'specially the kids, is on their phone.
But I don't know what to do with the phone.
No way am I playing useless games or reading teeeeeeny tiny print.
And I'm not about to watch my phone using it as a tiny YouTube TV.
Nor do I have enough people to text & call to keep me busy enough.
Maybe the Windows newsgroup spelling app has been ported to Android?
With the Windows spelling app (Herbert Kleebauer), every time you see a
redsquiggle, you copy the fixed-spelling & type "Win+R spell" to paste the
corrected spelling into your list of test words to practice later.
Later, when you have time (which you never do when you're at home), you
would type "Win+R spellit" which would randomly speak the words and give
you three chances to fix them.
If you fix them, it removes the word from the list.
If you still get it wrong, it adds the word in the list (which means the
word pops up even more frequently as it's in there twice or three times).
Does a port of this Herbert Kleebauer Windows app yet exist for Android?
Everyone else, 'specially the kids, is on their phone.
But I don't know what to do with the phone.
No way am I playing useless games or reading teeeeeeny tiny print.
And I'm not about to watch my phone using it as a tiny YouTube TV.
Nor do I have enough people to text & call to keep me busy enough.
Maybe the Windows newsgroup spelling app has been ported to Android?
With the Windows spelling app (Herbert Kleebauer), every time you see a
redsquiggle, you copy the fixed-spelling & type "Win+R spell" to paste the
corrected spelling into your list of test words to practice later.
Later, when you have time (which you never do when you're at home), you
would type "Win+R spellit" which would randomly speak the words and give
you three chances to fix them.
If you fix them, it removes the word from the list.
If you still get it wrong, it adds the word in the list (which means the
word pops up even more frequently as it's in there twice or three times).
Does a port of this Herbert Kleebauer Windows app yet exist for Android?